Friday, June 29, 2012

Reflection Friday: My Kryptonite

I've always been a strong person. That I consider my high point. Even Sieg can attest on how independent and strong-willed I am, sometimes even to a fault. But now I've found my kryptonite, and that is Rocco.

How can a tiny being bring out all my fears and paranoia, while at the same time, shower me with all the love and happiness I can ever feel?

The irony of life...but that's the beauty of motherhood.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vapor Soove

Because Rocco was feeling under the weather the past few days, I was desperate to try alternative products that would at least ease his discomfort. Of course, using just any product is not the case, it should be safe for babies.

I remember when I was small and sick, Mama would apply Vicks on our chest and back, and we would sometimes put Vicks on the soles of our feet covered with socks. I wanted to try it too with Rocco, but I was scared to use the usual Vicks because of some reviews saying it's toxic for the baby because of its camphor ingredient.

Good thing I discovered Vapor Soove. I saw it before being sold at a kiddie shop in Ayala, so I dropped by again to check if it was available. It was! I bought one item, and tried it on myself. Not bad at all. The aroma was really soothing and I almost slept at work (hehehe). The minty aroma is just right, not too strong for fragile babies.

I'm glad I bought one because last night, the transformer of the vaporizer almost overheated, so we had to turn it off immediately. I then rubbed some Vapor Soove on Rocco's back, chest, and at the soles of his feet, then covered his tiny footsies with socks. He was able to sleep well, Thank God!

Vapor Soove is now a must have in my baby kit. It retails at 299. Works like magic, money well spent!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yayay on Rocco's 7th month

I was supposed to blog about Rocco's 7th month, but I didn't have extra energy left. Rocco got sick last June 22. He woke up feeling slightly hot. When I took his temperature, it registered 37.6, which my sister said can be considered a "sinat" already. Being the paranoid me, I started worrying and freaking out. He showed symptoms of cough too. His condition worsened almost immediately. He had runny nose, coughed more often, and his temp went to 38.2.

Later that day we had our scheduled immunization and monthly checkup with his pedia, Dr. Lydia Chang. She's a pedia-pulmonologist, so we feel secure when she's the one doing the examination on Rocco.

Because Rocco's temp was slightly elevated, she postponed the immunization until he feels better. She prescribed some meds (haaay, I hate baby meds!) for his cough and colds. Rocco was still playful and cheerful that day, but come night time, he started to become restless. He didn't sleep well, and always woke up crying.

The entire weekend, he was super clingy to me. Feel na feel ko ang pagiging Mommy ko. Ganyan pala talaga ang babies or children when they're sick, only the mother can comfort them. I was like that too when I was younger.

Going back, Rocco only wanted me, and me alone. Even his Daddy couldn't pacify him. He cried when being carried by others, but when it's me, he would be still and quiet, and can sleep easily on my shoulder. One funny incident happened Sunday night. I was too tired and sleepless from carrying him the entire day. When he woke up from a short sleep, I asked Sieg to carry him first. I covered myself with a bedsheet so Rocco wouldn't see me. The little boy kept crying and was pointing to the big bedsheet in the bed. He didn't stop crying so Sieg put him down in the bed. He immediately squirmed and crawled (still sideways) until he got hold of the bedsheet, and kept tugging at it until I responded to him. I was impressed!! My son, at an early age of 7months, knows initiative already. Such as smart baby!

Anyway, I felt so awang-awa every time Rocco coughed. It was such a hard cough that he would cry every after coughing. He couldn't sleep, couldn't feed well, and was just becoming restless. He almost lost his voice and his eyes were turning puffy from too much crying.

So last Sunday, we bought a vaporizer. My sister told me it works well. At that point, I was desperate to try anything that would lessen my son's discomfort. Sieg went to Gaisano pharmacy where it was available, and I also asked him to buy the Rhea Inhalant.

We had problems before we could turn it on. The product runs on 110voltage, so we had to use a transformer. The fuse gave up and burned out, so we had to find another transformer. We also had a lot of questions on its proper usage.

By Monday, we were confident enough to use it. We put water on the vaporizer, poured the Rhea medicated inhalant (very soothing, it made me sleep!!!) on the outer panel, and waited for the steam to come off.

To further help ease Rocco's discomfort, I sprayed some saline solution on his nose, removed his mucus using the orange bulb and then I carried him until he was almost directly inhaling the steam from the vaporizer. Lo and behold, he calmed down, stopped crying and fell asleep. His breathing also normalized. I propped some pillows until it elevated his head, and laid him down. HE SLEPT SOUNDLY THE ENTIRE NIGHT!!! I was close to kissing the vaporizer for doing its magic!

This morning, when he woke up, his cough has loosened up, he was starting to become playful and perky again, and didn't cry. Before I left for work, I was able to put him back to sleep again. We turned the vaporizer on the entire day. Last time I checked, Rocco wasn't cranky anymore, slept well, milked a lot, and was getting more playful by the minute.

We decided to stop his meds and just continue on with the vaporizer along with Vapor Soove (safe for babies). Hopefully, his cough would go away in the next few days!!

Of course, prayers helped!! We prayed every night in front of Papa Jesus and Mama Mary to heal our baby Rocco. Thank God they heard our prayers and Rocco is getting better by the minute :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Repost: 23 Things I Think New Parents Should Know

I found this very insightful and funny article from Huffington Post. I was laughing all throughout and could totally relate, but I beg to disagree on number 13.

13. Despite advances in science, no one has figured out how to diagnose a dirty diaper besides sniffing at it or peeking in it. When you're in public, learn to do this discreetly.

I could decipher when Rocco is pooping because his face turns red, he becomes sweaty, and I could hear him saying 'uuuuu-oooh' with conviction, with matching close fists pa!

Read on and have a good laugh. Parenthood is a fun journey. I'm quite enjoying this amazing ride!


23 Things I Think New Parents Should Know

1. The more time and effort put into decorating a nursery, the more likely that the baby will sleep in your room.
2. Things that don't wake a sleeping newborn: loud noises and bright lights. Things that do wake a sleeping newborn: sitting down to eat dinner.
3. Maybe they'll say it's the eyes. Maybe they'll say it's the mouth. Whatever it is, people will insist on telling you that your newborn looks like you. It's almost never true.
4. You may not want to cut your baby's nails because you are afraid of making her bleed. However, if you don't cut your baby's nails, she will probably scratch herself and, then, she'll bleed. So, why postpone the inevitable?
5. There is no greater thrill than the first time a baby calls out "mama" or "dada," even when it is directed toward the cat.
6. Sleeping a lot and eating a lot are traits highly cherished in babies. Unfortunately, neither are particularly admired in adults.
7. As a new parent, strangers will often approach you to ask, "Is she a good baby?" Surprise them by saying, "No, she's kind of an #$$hole."
8. You will discover that there must have been something very, very tricky about composing a melody for "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," The ABC's," and "Baa Baa Black Sheep."
9. From the moment you arrive home from the hospital, you will be asked if your baby sleeps through the night. Tell them you don't know. Tell them you spend most nights out clubbing.
10. Make sure you learn all the noises that farm animals make. Even though most people no longer live on farms, the sounds that sheep, pigs and cows make are priority number one when teaching your little one to talk.
11. If she is wearing a nice outfit, it is likely that your baby will poop.
12. If you are wearing a nice outfit, it is likely that your baby will poop.
13. Despite advances in science, no one has figured out how to diagnose a dirty diaper besides sniffing at it or peeking in it. When you're in public, learn to do this discreetly.
14. Never in your wildest dreams (or worst nightmares) did you ever imagine how much you would be talking about poop. Unless you work for a laxative company. If you work for a laxative company, you are probably already talking about poop a lot.
15. Strangers are friendly when you're with with a baby. That said, strangers are even friendlier when you're with a puppy.
16. One of the surprise perks of having a baby? When you're with one, you can talk to yourself out loud and people don't look at you like you're crazy.
17. Everyone tells you to "sleep when the baby's sleeping." It's good advice. But, remember, it's "sleep when the baby's sleeping... unless the baby fell asleep in the car and you're driving."
18. Don't beat yourself up over every little thing. Babies have really low expectations.
19. If you think you might be posting too many pictures on Facebook, you probably are.
20. No matter how much you love your child, naptime is never long enough.
21. When people come to visit in the first weeks after you come home from the hospital, remember they are there to see you and the baby. Remember they don't expect you or your house to look perfect. And remember, if you are talking anywhere near the baby monitor, there's a good chance they can hear you.
22. The secret to being a good parent? There isn't one. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
23. When all else fails, if you can't stop your baby from crying, turn on some music and dance around the living room. Even if the crying doesn't stop, at least you'll enjoy yourself.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How we spent Father's Day

The picture is just 1/3 of how we spent the day. We had lunch at a restaurant with a top view of Cebu. It was so windy and cold up there, so Rocco was all smiles :) After lunch, we redeemed our free coffee at Starbucks, while the girls went malling. We caught up with the afternoon mass, and headed to the mall hardwares for home shopping. I'm so happy with our great finds! We planned to be home by 5PM, but ended up at 8PM! The little boy was so tired, and fell asleep almost immediately.

I'm sure the Daddy was so happy because we spent a lot of hours in his current favorite place, the hardware store!

Sidenote: We almost had a freak accident yesterday. We were looking for some dining lamps at TrueValue. The salesguy was putting on led lights on the ceiling lamp to test the one we would purchase, so he had to use a ladder. We were cramping in the small hallway, and I asked Sieg to go to the other side so Rocco would have some breathing space. We just removed Rocco that time from his stroller because he was sweating and getting cranky already. Just in time when Sieg & Rocco passed through the ladder, the salesguy accidentally dropped the screwdriver, and it almost landed on Rocco! We were so shocked. OMG! I could not have imagined what would have happened if it landed on Rocco's head.

Lesson learned. Never bring the baby in cramped spaces with potential falling objects.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Daddy Siegfred

When Sieg and I were still dating, I was so amused by the fact that my nieces were enamored with him. They would always look for him and shriek in delight every time he's around.  He even had the patience to play with them for as long they liked. I never had that kind of patience with kids. Simply put, my nieces were drawn to him and liked him a lot, and I took that as a sign that he's gonna be a great daddy someday.

Fast forward to today, I'm thankful he turned out to be even more than I expected. I have a husband who's even greater as a daddy. When other dads would just stay on the sideline while the Mommy does the dirty work, Sieg is equally hands-on with Rocco as I am. He is beyond the stereotypical dad who acts only as the provider, but not the caregiver. He is actually both.

 I would not have survived the initial stages of parenthood without him. He took care of Rocco when I got sick after giving birth. He tirelessly encouraged me to breastfeed even if I felt like giving up. Even if his body is aching from basketball, or just too tired from work, he takes his turn to wake up during early mornings to feed and change Rocco's diaper. He willingly gets off the bed even with only a few hours of sleep to stroll with the baby at 6AM. When I'm too sleepy or can't open my eyes anymore to play with the baby at 4AM, he lets me sleep some more while he patiently plays with Rocco. I'm more amused because he's so creative and imaginative with their playtime and can really make the little boy laugh, something which I'm having a hard time doing. Boring Mommy :) When we arrive from work, he would outrun me just so he can carry the baby before me. He is also hands-on with decision-making, even with things as petty as what sippy cup to use, or if we will use a pacifier or not.

He continually exceeds my expectations, and did it again today. Sieg never liked baby poop. He would do everything else except change a poopy diaper. I think he was traumatized when Rocco was still a newborn and I was sick from coughing to be near the baby. A handful of poop oozed out of Rocco's diaper and went straight to his hands, and from then on, he would ask me to do the "dirty" work for him.

But this morning, he finally overcame his dislike for poop. I think he wants to experience changing poopy diapers too. He's amazed at how fast I can do it :) So when Rocco pooped a really good poop from his camote merienda yesterday, Sieg was able to change diapers, without any help from me.

Just last night, while gazing at our son who just fell into deep sleep, Sieg whispered to me, "Sarap ng may baby, ano?" It made my heart melt with joy, knowing that my husband is happy and contented to play the role of a daddy, and a proud one at that.

Rocco is only turning 7 months, and I'm sure there would still be countless parenting experiences, good and bad, that we would share together. But knowing I have Sieg, a superb dad, who has great dreams for his family, I always feel reassured that we will do things right.
Happy Father's Day Siegfred! We love you very much!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Church Wedding of my Big Brother...Finally!

Kuya has been married to Yannee for six years now, but they only had a civil rite back then. Then came two kids and life got busier for them. Of course, if you have two kids, finances will be tighter, so they had to prioritize milk, diapers, vaccines, tuition fees, etc over a church wedding.

Then last year, I had my own church wedding. Since then, we've been bugging them to set their own church wedding date. Finally, they relented, and it was set on June 8, 2012, on the same day they had their civil rites.

It was a fun reunion for the family. We live regions apart now, and usually get together only on special occasions. Ate Dona who lives in the US wasn't able to go home, but hopefully, next year they would also have their own church wedding in Tacloban.

I especially loved the parents' toast during the reception, and as usual, I cried because the speeches were so heartfelt and emotional. I'm so happy their marriage was finally blessed by the Church. I wish for them long happy years of strong marital bond, and a baby boy to add to their two bulilits, Chloe Julia and Calista Audrey.
Photo credits to their wedding photographer, GalvinRay. See his photos here.

Rocco's First Pool Party

Our short Tacloban vacation was awesome, except that the heat was almost unbearable! It was SO HUMID and hot even with the aircon and all the fans on. Kawawa ang mga bagets, especially Rocco who couldn't sleep because he was perspiring a lot. So last Saturday after the wedding, we pulled out the inflatable pool and poured in water so the kids could cool off a bit.
It was also Rocco's first swimming experience. And what an experience it was! From the looks of it, only the toddlers enjoyed, while the little baby cried his heart out. He only lasted a few minutes inside the pool, and Mommy had to pick him up and wrap him in a towel.

I hope next time would be a more memorable one for Rocco :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rocco's First Ringbearer Stint

The main reason why our family trooped back to Tacloban for the weekend was to attend the Church wedding of my big brother Dexter. The fact that Rocco was a ringbearer made it more exciting! Hindi pa nga nakakalakad ang anak ko, madami nang social events :)
Rocco's Daddy was the one who walked him in the aisle. Ang guwapo ng aking mag-ama! It was such a proud wife/mommy moment for me seeing my two boys there. Rocco was so cute in his crisp polo and bowtie outfit, while Hubby Daddy was so handsome in his cowboy ensemble (hehehe).
I feel emotional again just looking at the pictures. Thank God for a healthy and happy baby, a loving, funny and supportive husband, and a family who always has our back. I could not ask for anything more :)

Baby's Day Oriental Leyte

And I'm back! I've been on blogging hiatus for more than a week now because the whole family travelled to Tacloban for my big brother's wedding. We had a yaya in tow, but the baby was super clingy to Mommy, so nobody else could carry him for long, except...Mommy!
Anway, we had a bit of extra time during the long weekend to visit the newest hotel in Tacloban, The Oriental. It used to be the McArthur Park & Beach Resort, but was recently taken over by the Oriental. The little boy was super excited for our quick outing, judging from his pictures. He was so behaved too, and gladly sat on his stroller the whole time.
The place is not yet fully functional, but it looks really promising. The rooms remind me of Movenpick, except that the beds in Oriental are smaller. Diba, if it boasts to be a luxurious beach resort, then the beds must be really enticing. The rooms are a bit pricey too. Sana they give special rates for local residents so we can also enjoy the amenities without burning our wallets.

The main attraction for now is the huge infinity pool, which is still under construction. I'm not sure what they'll do with the beach front. Black sand kasi sya, and hindi na kagandahan ang beach. Maybe they'll put in white sand and rehabilitate it. That's sounds promising. Another plus factor of the resort is their huge convention hall. Perfect for wedding events and other special occasions. At least, there's a decent venue already in Tacloban for big events.

We didn't stay for long there because it was getting darker and there were plenty of mosquitos! Nakagat pa si Rocco twice :( More posts to follow!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mommy, huwag ka alis ha...

I was planning to go on a quick trip to Ayala last weekend because there was a 3-day mallwide sale, but I changed my mind because of this...
Rocco gave me this most heart-pinching if telling me "Mommy huwag ka alis ha". Aaaaaaawwww. Ayun, homebody ang naging peg namin the whole weekend. Gotta love motherhood!

Baby Food 101: SQUASHing it up!

Rocco's 3rd solid food was SQUASH..or kalabasa as we call it. I personally love kalabasa! It's a staple food in our home meals. I remember when I was still pregnant, I would also eat lots of kalabasa.
According to the Wholesome BabyFood website:

  • Squash is a wonderful first food for your baby
  • 1 cup of baked squash cubes contain: Folate - 57.40 mcg and Vitamin A - 7,291.85 mg. 
  • High in Vitamins and Calcium - smooth, delicious and very nutritious

We introduced pureed kalabasa after Rocco's banana episode did not go well. He generally liked it, though he wouldn't take much of it. Ayaw na nya if nalalagyan ng kalabasa ang face nya. Arte much. Malikot kasi :) Anyway, I noticed that everytime after his squash feeding, he would have light red spots and scattered rashes around his nape and back. I think he's somewhat reacting to it. Sana naman hindi maging totally allergic. Healthy pa naman ng squash.

Anyway, we just gave Rocco his squash for 3 days and proceeded to pears, kasi ayaw na talaga nya. I'll re-introduce it to him later on when he's tasted the other food types already.

Baby Food 101: Cheers to PEARS!

Hubby and I decided to just introduce single & pureed food on Rocco's 6th month run. On his 7th month, we will gradually introduce Stage 2 foods (less mashed & finely chopped). For now, pureeing will be the way to go. We tried kasi to give him mashed but he wouldn't take it yet, parang nagcchoke.

Introducing Rocco's 4th food...PEARS! From the Wholesome Baby Food website:

  • Pears are high in fiber, potassium and Vitamin C. 
  • High in fiber, Pears like other fruits, are great aids in reducing the risks of cancer and heart attack and sustaining healthy cholesterol levels. 
  • They are also a great fruit to offer as a remedy to help alleviate baby's constipation.
  • Pears are gentle on the tummy and thus are wonderful for babies who may be suffering from Reflux
  • Pears contain no sodium, saturated fats or cholesterol. 
  • A pear is very nutrient dense meaning that there are more nutrients per calorie than calories per nutrient.
  • Pears is a great first food for baby.
So off I went to Rustans last night to buy some really nice pears. I bought 4pcs for only 48petot (not bad, huh). This would be good for 4days equivalent feedings. One pear each day is enough for Rocco. This morning, I pureed the pears using my nice blender, and it produced almost a coffee-cup size of pureed pears.

Rocco loved it! He even gobbled half of it. Siguro kasi matamis (although Hubby said it tastes bitter). I also checked, he had no rashes whatsover, and his poopoo wasn't sticky. Yeeey to pears!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Latest Discovery!

Because Rocco doesn't have teeth yet and cannot munch on hard food, we have to either mash or puree his fruits and veggies. I wasn't thinking at all of buying a baby food processor because I could just steam and mash them anyway.

But this morning, I realized that we have a blender. It was a wedding present but I never really used it, until today.
I opened the box (yes, it's still in it's packaging) and was pleasantly surprised when I saw a a smaller version of the regular blender!
It's comes in handy since I only make small portions of Rocco's food, so no need to use the big blender. Best of all, it purees quite well! This morning, I pureed squash and it produced just the right smoothie-like consistency. Perfect!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rocco's Ikea Antilop arrived!

I was in such a dilemma on what feeding chair to use for Rocco, that I buried myself for days researching products, and weighing their pros and cons. Holding him down during feeding used to be an option (no cost at all) but I'm excluding this since Rocco is oh so active and doesn't want to be held at all. He's that independent, you know. I also think that sitting on an actual chair during feeding will teach him good feeding habits.

Because I couldn't decide, Hubby did it for me. He doesn't like a booster chair because design-wise, it's still prone to accidents. He explained that because it is strapped to a regular chair, it does not guarantee that the chair can balance the weight of the booster, plus the active baby. The Bumbo was another cute option, but just looking at active Rocco, with his long sturdy legs, he would just force himself out of the chair, plus, he will outgrow it even before he reaches a year old.

So we decided on a high chair. I had no other chair in mind than the Ikea Antilop. I found a local distributor, who priced it reasonably (way lower than the mall prices, even at 60% off!). I ordered online in 5min, paid via Paypal, and they arranged the shipment. The shipping cost was also cheap (they tied up with AP Logic), only P450 for two boxes (one for the chair & tray, and other for the stands). The distributor was very customer friendly too, updating me on the progress of the shipment.

Yesterday, we received our package!!! Poor me, I was not able to take pictures while Hubby was assembling the parts because the little one was clinging on to me with his dear life (translated as: naglalambing).
I really love the Antilop. It's so easy to assemble (even a 5th grader can do it), very lightweight yet sturdy! It's a no-frills chair which is easy to drag around, plus, easy to clean! Rocco fits on it perfectly!


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