Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pic of the Day: March 17 to 23

I started this pet project last Sunday. I was thinking, my little boy is growing up so fast, and sometimes I can't keep up with his milestones, so why not document the most that I can.

So I decided to have my PIC OF THE DAY Series. Everyday, I will take at least one picture of Rocco which captures him in action. Either he's sleeping, eating, playing, being naughty or nice, or even just sitting still, as long as he's in it. It was just an idea, but while I was making the collage earlier, it captured a lot of "moments" which I may forget, but thankfully will not, because I have these photos to help me remember.

Presenting, my Pic of the Day, Series March 17-23.
17) Rocco is an Ipad convert. Everytime he sees his face in the photobooth or camera screen, he makes all these funny faces. I wonder why :)

18) I love how Rocco smells after his morning bath. He still has the baby smell.

19) He's taller than a lot of our furnitures now, and he can easily reach out for his toys no matter how high we hide them.

20) Even if he's busy playing or walking around, the moment I call him, he stops, and takes time to acknowledge me. Very respectful of him.

21) His latest tambayan, the staircase.

22) He's learning to eat on his own.

23) And did I tell you he tries to eat everything? Yes, that's my lipstick he got there.

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