Friday, November 4, 2011

Weird Concoctions for the Pregnant

There are people who really believe in concoctions. My mother is one of them :) She uses a lot of herbal, organic or alternative products, especially when hearing good reviews about the product.

Well this time, she told me she had an office staff whose wife was able to give birth through spontaneous vaginal delivery, an 8 pound baby. That's huge! The secret (daw) is she drank snake's oil during labor, which helped eased the big baby out of her vagina smoothly.

I actually read of snake's oil being used during labor among Chinese believers, but I wouldn't dare use that on myself! Gross!!!! I have a huge phobia on snakes!

I could see the look in Sieg's face while Mama was telling the story (haha!). Sieg is a scientific believer, and he dislikes taking any form of medication (pharmaceutical or herbal) unless prescribed by a doctor.

Mama told us she would ask for the oil and have it shipped to us. I didn't want to offend her, so I said OK.

This morning, Mama asked for our address again because she would ship the bottle. I told Sieg about it (knowing it would irritate him, haha!) and indeed, he ranted.  He kept on ranting on me because he couldn't do so with mama :)

"Bangin may halas ito ha botelya!" (There might be a snake inside the bottle!)
"Kun mabasag ito, magbabaho aton balay!" (If the bottle breaks, our house will smell!)
"Ayaw gud paggamit hito ha, upaya la!" (Don't you dare use it!)

As Sieg said, labor and delivery is a natural process. The female human body is designed for it. Honestly, I wouldn't use it. It's not proven anyway, and there might be side effects which I might regret for the rest of my life. If others say it worked for them, then good for them.

For me, I just have to trust my doctors that they'll take good care of me, and will do everything to keep me and my baby safe from harm.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Hospital Bag Must-Haves

I'm already 36 weeks pregnant. On November 11, my 37th week, I will officially be full-term and can deliver my baby anytime he wishes to make a grand entrance.

Since the B-DAY is still unknown, it's best to be prepared. I searched the internet and asked my sister on what to bring to the hospital, and finally came up with my own list.

Friends who also gave birth in Chong-Hua Hospital told me to not bring any toiletries since the hospital will provide those, but I may not like their brands, so I decided to still bring my own.

Here's my list!

FOR MAMA (that's me!):

1. Bathing soap
2. 1 dozen shampoo  in sachet
3. 1 dozen conditioner in sachet
**I prefer in sachet so it won't be bulky. My Mama told me to not take a bath after delivering the baby and to wait at least 10 days. I'll see how I can hold off the washing of the hair part.
4. Toothbrush
5. Toothpaste
6. Mouthwash
7. Shave
8. Deodorant
9. Alcohol
10. Virgin Coconut Oil (my life saver!)
11. Gynepro (since it's antiseptic and anti-bacterial, a must have after delivery)
12. Napkins (I hoarded on this. They said it's likely to have heavy menstrual flow after delivery.)
13. toilet paper

Clothes & Stuff
1. Going home clothes
2. Nursing bras
3. Panties
4. Robe
5. Socks
6. Rubber slippers (so it can be doubled as comfort room slippers)
7. Shower towel
8. Towelettes
9. Thick blanket (for sleeping)
10. Extra pillow/s

1. Breastpump
2. Lansinoh Nipple Cream

1. Abdominal binder
2. Headband
3. Clips

FOR ROCCO (our little rookie!):
1. 4 receiving blankets
2. 4 wrap around clothes
3. 4 pajamas
4. 2 bonnets
5. 4 pairs mittens and booties
6. newborn diapers (Ate said to use EQ Dry. We'll use cloth diapers once we're back home)
7. lampins/ (a lot)
8. baby wipes
9. sterilized bottles (just in case)

1. Philheath MDF
2. Philhealth Form 1 signed by employer
3. Marriage contract photocopy
4. Govt IDs photocopy
5. Company IDs photocopy
6. Prenatal docs and lab tests photocopies
7. Sieg's DR waiver
8. Sieg's Inpatient insurance form
9. Signed birth plan
10. Admittance request signed by OB

Haaaay! The list is too long, but we've prepared them all. Lacking are Sieg's stuff. He said he'll take care of packing his stuff :) Everything is ready now, all stacked at the car.

We're just patiently waiting for Rocco to finally say HELLO WORLD, UHAAAAA!


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